A Jurassic World.

The simplest rule of thumb when it comes to plants… is they  need more attention than watering. First off, you have to be knowledgable about how your existing environment is going to effect your plants and how they grow. For example, sunlight is incredibly important for growing plants. Even though there are “low light” plants, this does not mean that a cute succulent can successfully grow in a closed powder room – even though it might look pretty for when guests come over. FullSizeRender 4Second, even though you may enjoy a super duper chilly Alaskan-esque domicile during the summer – NO PLANTS ENJOY BEING FROZEN. Lastly, the existing humidity levels also effect how often one needs to water a selection of plants.

With regards to arranging your planters and potted trophies for their cosmetic appeal, it’s probably a good idea to have an area such as a shelf or a bench near a window for everyday maintenance. One, this allows them to be easily watered and the lugging to and fro of your watering can get tedious and, two, this allows you to remember to water and nurture them all – as opposed to forgetting the little cacti in the powder room. Most succulents and plants have different needs AND the instructions on the package of the little pot most likely is the most simple and ineffective way to look after your green leaves. My biggest pet peeve is that people think orchids can be easily watered with ice cubes! FullSizeRender 2WHEN THE HECK DOES IT SNOW IN SOUTHERN FLORIDA OR THE AMAZON WHERE ORCHIDS NATURALLY GROW!!! This past October, I was in Palm Beach and took some photos to show you how these succulents live in their native homes. It is a rule of thumb that in creating an indoor garden, you will have best success if you closely try to replicate the plant’s natural environment.

Temperature and humidity also effect how often your plants need to be watered. Quite logically, if the room is super hot and super dry, all of your plants will need to be watered more often. If your room has low air circulation and you notice that the soil is always damp, this is an indication that you can back off the amount of watering you need to do.

Top 5 Tips:

  1. You can water your cacti according to monthly holidays. i.e. Halloween, American Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day etc… Pretty much ONLY ever 3/4 weeks. Cacti live in deserts – therefore are low water plants.
  2. Members of the Philodendron family cannot be overwatered. I’ve tried… the suckers just keep chugging it back.
  3. Plants change their colour and shape when over/under watered. Brown and saggy means drowning. Yellow and toasty means thirsty.These are the signs you need to pay attention too.
  4. Orchids and air plants are epiphytic. Therefore they need humidity. If you don’t live in a jungle like most people, a simple cheat is to completely submerge the entire plant (minus flower petals).
  5. Petals never like to be wet. Ever. Never water the flower. Leave the flower be.

Ps. I have to add – if you have ever been interested in escaping for a couple days please visit West Palm Beach. The blue water and the Jurassic Park type plants as I might add are wonderful. It is a true eye-opener for any plant lover. It stimulates a feeling of freshness and relaxation. All of the photos within this post were taken on our property in natural habitat. It is  truly something to see… Just food for thought.