For The Love Of Greenery.


Until three years ago, every plant or flower I was responsible for had died a slow and interstellar long death. No one was safe, like the infamous Red Wedding on the show Game Of Thrones. When looking after plants and flowers, I felt a set up for failure. Now, with the help of a particular someone, my green thumb has risen and my feelings towards my earthy little companions have changed. I live in my own jungle and I would love to use this blog to share it with you and everyone.

It all started with one plant that was purchased three years ago by my then amigo – now fiancé. YES, he put a ring on it. This plant is called a monstera deliciosa. He bought it on sale at Sobeys. Then he walked it from Christie to Lansdowne along DuPont. Also this was after work while he was wearing a suit and tie. AND, when he finally did arrive home I was unimpressed. It was large, chaotic and leaking. It looked like he went into the woods and dug it up himself and brought it home to me, like an urban mountain man bringing home his catch of the day.

The monstera deliciosa or Swiss cheese plant – or in German ‘de gatenplant’ – looks like a leafy green monster. It is also a member of the philodendron family commonly found on kitchen window sills and entrance way shelving units of family homes, but it is bigger. It is much bigger.

Underlying its prowess and structural like command of our home, I have developed a relationship with and an affection towards this plant. It’s always staring at me from the corner giving me a high five with its insanely large leaves. Call me crazy, but it makes me very happy to know we have grown together. Even our indoor mountain cat named Maximus, or more famously @pusschievious on Instagram, fancies games  around it, using it to annoy us, often performing drum solos on its leaves.

Everyday, I see these monstera leaves on Instagram in the background of Crate and Barrel, West Elm and EQ3 showcase cuttings of the monstera. Even though my heart breaks when my significant other lops off giant green ‘high fives.’ There are tons of social platforms exhibition amateur florists. Ma and Pa shops are thriving on-line showcasing their home-grown creations. Queen Street boasts Crown Flora Studio and Dynasty – two particular favourites of mine.

This wee little plant over the course of three years has grown into what one would call a small tree. ThisMonstera plant has inspired our indoor jungle. The monstera and I will now proceed to take you on a tour of our jungle with the hopes that maybe a baby cactus or aloe plant will inspire you to hoard domestic greenery just like me.